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發(fā)表于 2023-2-20 21:06 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式 | 來自山東
本帖最后由 智能小檸檬 于 2023-2-21 09:48 編輯

not found mac in efuse
head magic=414e4452
hdcp init_hdcp_ram...
mmc fail to send stop cmd
MMC read: dev # 1, block # 0x20000, count # 0x800, byte_size # 0x0 ERROR!
mmc cmd read failed

nand cmd store failed
Err imgread(L323):Fail to read 0x100000B from part[recovery] at offset 0
Aml log : M8-R1024 IMG fail!
boot system safe failed, try boot norm!
head magic=414e4452
hdcp init_hdcp_ram...
[imgread]Secure kernel sz 0x713120
mmc fail to send stop cmd
MMC read: dev # 1, block # 0x30800, count # 0x3098, byte_size # 0x120 ERROR!
mmc cmd read failed

nand cmd store failed
Err imgread(L358):Fail to read 0x613120B from part[boot] at offset 0x100000
Aml log : M8-R1024 IMG fail!

U盤卡刷失敗,錯誤10015.。  線刷認不到設(shè)備。。。

發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 08:50 | 只看該作者 | 來自浙江
不帶后綴的B860A,記得內(nèi)置了ota.zip包,試試reboot recovery能不能恢復原廠固件
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 08:53 | 只看該作者 | 來自河北
[draw_logo]: draw_logo 1522
before the  decompressToRGB
Start to decode the LOGO jpeg ...
[decompressToRGB]: before the decompress_jpeg_rgb
[decompressToRGB]: Call decompress_pic_rgb565(id=3,addr=1106e1ac,size=423076,maxw=1920,maxh=1080,Bpp=3) ...
[decompressToRGB]: after the decompress_jpeg_rgb
[draw_logo]: Success in decoding LOGO src file: (w=1280,h=720,Bpp=3,data=0x3f2a75f8)
[deinit_Logo]: all LOGO's resource (Exc. logoThread) are released
Logo_disp ret: 0
not found mac in efuse
logo time: (BootPicTime minus 4s to fine tune)
do_bootsys to boot NORM
head magic=414e4452
hdcp init_hdcp_ram...
[imgread]Secure kernel sz 0x713120
mmc fail to send stop cmd
MMC read: dev # 1, block # 0x30800, count # 0x3098, byte_size # 0x120 ERROR!
mmc cmd read failed

nand cmd store failed
Err imgread(L358):Fail to read 0x613120B from part[boot] at offset 0x100000
Aml log : M8-R1024 IMG fail!
boot system norm failed, try boot safe!
head magic=414e4452
hdcp init_hdcp_ram...
mmc fail to send stop cmd
MMC read: dev # 1, block # 0x20000, count # 0x800, byte_size # 0x0 ERROR!
mmc cmd read failed

nand cmd store failed
Err imgread(L323):Fail to read 0x100000B from part[recovery] at offset 0
Aml log : M8-R1024 IMG fail!
m8m2_n200_v1#reboot recovery
Unknown command 'reboot' - try 'help'
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 08:53 | 只看該作者 | 來自河北
本帖最后由 cn_heijin 于 2023-2-21 09:54 編輯
55D2UA 發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 08:50
不帶后綴的B860A,記得內(nèi)置了ota.zip包,試試reboot recovery能不能恢復原廠固件


  1. m8m2_n200_v1#safe
  2. not found mac in efuse
  3. head magic=414e4452
  4. hdcp init_hdcp_ram...
  5. mmc fail to send stop cmd
  6. MMC read: dev # 1, block # 0x20000, count # 0x800, byte_size # 0x0 ERROR!
  7. mmc cmd read failed

  8. nand cmd store failed
  9. Err imgread(L323):Fail to read 0x100000B from part[recovery] at offset 0
  10. Aml log : M8-R1024 IMG fail!
  11. boot system safe failed, try boot norm!
  12. head magic=414e4452
  13. hdcp init_hdcp_ram...
  14. [imgread]Secure kernel sz 0x713120
  15. mmc fail to send stop cmd
  16. MMC read: dev # 1, block # 0x30800, count # 0x3098, byte_size # 0x120 ERROR!
  17. mmc cmd read failed

  18. nand cmd store failed
  19. Err imgread(L358):Fail to read 0x613120B from part[boot] at offset 0x100000
  20. Aml log : M8-R1024 IMG fail!
  21. m8m2_n200_v1#

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發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 09:24 | 只看該作者 | 來自浙江
fastboot reboot recovery
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 09:53 | 只看該作者 | 來自山東
55D2UA 發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 09:24
fastboot reboot recovery

  1. m8m2_n200_v1#fastboot reboot recovery
  2. Unknown command 'fastboot' - try 'help'
  3. m8m2_n200_v1#
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發(fā)表于 2023-2-21 10:51 | 只看該作者 | 來自浙江

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